Cambi Solidstream® High Dry Solids Technology Development of Test Procedures and Report from the First Full Scale Installation in Germany
Kjørlaug, O., Nilsen, P.J., Solheim, O.E., Traa, L.P., Kruchen, H.
SludgeTech 2015
Cambi SolidStream was developed to reduce the cost of handling and to improve the quality of anaerobically digested sewage sludge. Continuous efforts within R&D and preliminary testing have led to the first full-scale installation in Germany in 2014. Laboratory test procedures to assess the impact of the SolidStream treatment on different types of digested sludge were developed and successfully compared to full-scale results. Laboratory testing has indicated improvement in final dewatering of the digested sludge and a good biogas potential of the centrate recirculated back to the digester. The full-scale installation is now producing around 25% more biogas and a high quality cake at around 40-43% dry solids.
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