Cambi Thermal Hydrolysis Technology; Case Studies from Recent THP Energy Efficiency and Capacity Upgrade Projects
Malekizadeh, A., Bakhtiary, H., Dadgar, F.
European Biosolids and Bioresources Conference, 2020
Executive Summary
Oxley Creek Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) is the first plant in Australia that installed the Thermal Hydrolysis Process (THP) to treat thickened secondary sludge prior to anaerobic digestion. In February 2019 the THP was upgraded from original MK I to MK II to increase capacity and to improve the energy efficiency of the plant. As a result of the upgrade, the hydraulic capacity was increased from 280 to 400 m3/day of sludge while enhanced the energy recovery, resulting in approximately 12% lower boiler fuel consumption.
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