From Raw Incineration to Advanced Digestion – Influence of Sustainability on Meeting a Sludge Strategy
Barber, W.P.F.
Water Science & Technology, 2010
A proposed solution of a raw sludge incineration plant had been identified to meet the changing sludge strategy requirements of United Utilities (a major UK water company) from 2005 – 2010. This solution was endorsed by a UK water Regulator as part of their 5 yearly investment program. However, due to a changing environment, and work completed by the project and strategy team responsible for the delivery of the solution, the proposed raw incinerator was reviewed. This paper presents the review process and the justification for the eventual change in direction and describes the technical complexities involved with the development of a new – more environmentally sound, and technically complex – solution which has gained full support from the Regulator.
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