Innovative Thermal Hydrolysis Process as a Game Changer for Compact and Efficient Sludge Treatment at Anyang Bakdal WWTP
Park, J.W., Kim, H.G., Yim, J.K., Liao, Z., Sahu, A., Chauzy, J.
18th IWA Leading Edge Conference on Water and Wastewarer Technologies, 2023
Anyang Bakdal underground WWTP treats 250,000 m³/d of wastewater. Sludge from wastewater treatment, food waste leachate, and septic sludge are treated by advanced anaerobic digestion (AAD) with thermal hydrolysis process (THP) as pre-treatment, demonstrating innovative compact and efficient sludge treatment. Design parameters and operational experience since 2016 are outlined in the first THP plant in South Korea for sustainable biosolids management for low carbon circular economy.
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