Ohio Wastewater Utility Achieves Effective Biosolids Management and Asset Optimization Using Advanced Anaerobic Digestion
Taylor, D., Barber, W.P.F., Christy, P., Dadgar, F., Sahu, A.K.
Proceedings of the Residuals and Biosolids Conference, 2022
The Kenneth W. Hotz Water Reclamation Facility (KWH WRF) located in Valley city, Medina, south of Cleveland, Ohio, USA, treats 9 MGD (34 mld) of wastewater serving a population equivalent of 250,000 pe. The three facilities (KWH, Hinckley, and Chippewa Lake) services approximately 35,000 homes and businesses in the cities of Medina and Brunswick, along with several townships in Ohio. This includes liquid food waste from a local food manufacturer from the DAF float collected downstream of the manufacturer and additional food waste that is trucked from the manufacturer. The conventional wastewater treatment plant (wwtp) is equipped with primary clarification, a Bio-P process, secondary clarification, filtration, disinfection and biosolids system and handling.
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