Adding Value with CambiTHP for Biosolids Management: Perspective From Two Utilities

This webinar looks at two utilities' experience using thermal hydrolysis for sewage sludge treatment and improved biosolids management. Different aspects will be showcased, such as the overall technology principle, drivers, project execution, lessons learned and project outcomes, with relevant case study examples from these utilities. An emphasis on operational experience will also be shared by the utilities.

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Dr. Bill Barber

Technical Director

Bill Barber is the technical director at Cambi Inc. USA. He has a Ph.D. in biochemical engineering from Imperial College London on the topic of anaerobic digestion, and an undergraduate degree in chemical engineering. Barber has lived in the U.K., Australia and North America, and worked on sludge, municipal and industrial wastewater projects around the world. He has recently authored a book titled, Sludge Thermal Hydrolysis – Application and Potential under IWA Publishing. 

Dwan Taylor


Dawn Taylor is currently the superintendent at the Kenneth W. Hotz Water Reclamation Facility in Medina, Ohio, and holds a Class IV wastewater treatment certification and Class IV laboratory analyst certification. She started with Medina County in 2000 as a laboratory technician and became laboratory supervisor in 2012. Taylor also previously worked as assistant superintendent for four years. Taylor has a bachelor’s degree from Miami University with majors in mathematics and statistics.

Dana Gonzalez

Treatment Process Engineer

Dana Gonzalez is a treatment process engineer at Hampton Roads Sanitation District (HRSD) in Virginia Beach, Virginia, where her main duties include implementing new treatment technologies, optimizing biological nutrient removal processes, and overseeing PFAS work related to wastewater fate and transport, biosolids production, and indirect potable reuse. Gonzalez has a bachelor’s degree from UCLA, a master’s from Virginia Tech, and a Ph.D. from the University of Virginia.