

Aerial photo of a green field, lawn and marsh

Why invest in Cambi?

1: Strong underlying demand for advanced sludge treatment technology on the back of several macro trends.

  • Increasing urbanisation, the drive for a circular economy, and tightening environmental regulations increasing the need for advanced sludge treatment
  • Renewable biogas production by 2030 is pushed for in the EU Green Deal package, ahead of the 2050 ambition to become climate-neutral

2: Cambi is a proven leader in advanced sludge treatment, offering the sector’s most mature, lowest life-cycle cost, and lowest carbon footprint technology.

  • World leader in thermal hydrolysis, with a proven track record of over 71 reference projects built on three decades of experience and development
  • Highly competent management team and organisation, with global thermal hydrolysis thought leaders in-house and complete control from product development to operations

3: Scalable platform positioned for future development with significant growth potential in the private financing segment

  • Strong backlog and a large list of expected projects in key regions and new markets provide a basis for accelerating growth
  • Significant opportunities to expand value chain through development of direct investment projects (“DBO”) as well as scope expansion through complete sludge lines
  • Growth in private financing is exceeding market trend as municipal customers start to recognize benefits of private operators


Cambi was listed on the multilateral trading facility Euronext Growth on 9 February 2021 with the ticker "CAMBI".

Find information on the Cambi stock, our top shareholders, our policy on dividends, as well as the contact details for our analyst, auditor, and registrar below. In addition, you can also find our stock information on the newsweb platform.


More on Cambi shares


Access articles on new contracts, financial reports releases and agendas, stock exchange notices, and other Cambi press releases.

All articles and notices are also available on Cambi's newsweb profile. 


Investor news

Financial Reports and Presentations

Cambi's quarterly and annual reports, along with presentation slide decks and livestream recordings are set to be published on the dates indicated. The report and slide deck will also be available on our Newsweb profile. The dates listed are subject to change.


Reports page

09.03.2021 - Fourth-quarter report 2020

15.04.2021 - Annual report 2020

10.05.2021 - Annual General Meeting

27.05.2021 - First-quarter report 2021

31.08.2021 - Half-yearly report 2021

30.11.2021 - Third-quarter report 2021

09.03.2022 - Fourth-quarter report 2021

Corporate Governance

Cambi's Board of Directors, articles of association, and Annual General Meeting (AGM) policy and information can be found here.

We are continuously working to develop the investor section of the website in line with the Oslo Børs Code of Practice of 1 July 2019.

Corporate governance information

Eirik Fadnes


+47 907 20 014