Engineering Design

Engineering Design

Cambi has a strong and multidisciplinary engineering design team who deliver all necessary functions for a successful project delivery. The engineering design team are engaged in both Front End and Detail Engineering phases, producing required engineering documents for THP projects.
Cambi’s engineering team comprise the following disciplines:
Process and Facilities

Electrical & Automation
Piping and Layout

The scope of deliveries depends on the detail level required by the project or by client’s wish. A Basic Engineering design package for our SolidStream Product for instance may include:
Process modules:
- Reception bunker
- Anaerobic Digesters
- Pre-dewatering centrifuges
- SolidStream, included Thermal Treatment Unit, Post dewatering, and Odour Control
- Buffer volumes related to the process modules
- Pumps related to the process modules

Document deliveries:
- Design Basis
- Process Description
- Mass & Energy Balance
- Process Flow Diagrams
- List of Main Equipment
- Utilities / Battery Limit list / Interface register
- Overall Layout Drawing
- GA drawings
- Foundations & Load drawings, with overall dimensions and loads of main equipment
Detailed engineering design packages will include a more complete and more detailed list of documents representing all necessary drawings, technical specifications as input to procurement, manufacturing,  installation, commissioning and operation phases.