
Country: Poland

Client: Chemwik

Solution: CambiTHP - B12

Bygdoszcz - Kapusciska

The first wastewater treatment plant in Poland to use thermal hydrolysis is located in Bydgoszcz. Commissioned in 2006, the plant serves a population equivalent of 510,000 and greatly contributes to reduced pollution of the Brda and Vistula rivers and the Baltic Sea 150km away. The benefits of using Cambi's thermal hydrolysis system at the plant included an increase in the digester capacity and rapid conversion without foaming.   

The plant only uses 20% of its biogas production for internal operations. The remaining 80% is used to generate green electricity. 



A map snippet of the plant location

CambiTHP - B12

CambiTHP B12

B12 thermal hydrolysis model
Thermal hydrolysis before anaerobic digestion

THP before anaerobic digestion

Thermal hydrolysis before anaerobic digestion
CambiTHP - Tarnow Poland


Cambi thermal hydrolysis plant in Tarnów, Poland delivered to Tarnowskie Wodociągi in 2017.


Cambi thermal hydrolysis plant delivered to Chemwik for Bygdoszcz Poland, in operation since 2006.
Cambi plant in Warsaw, Poland

Warsaw - Południe

Cambi's first intermediate thermal hydrolysis plant will be delivered to the Municipal Water and Sewerage Company of Warsaw in 2022.
Jarocin, Poland

Jarocin - Cielcza

Cambi's fourth thermal hydrolysis plant will be delivered to Jarocin Waterworks in Cielcza, Poland in 2022.